Uniquely Abled

www.uniquelyabled.com.au. This is the community forum for the Uniquely Abled membership site. We aim to inspire, educate & celebrate your unique abilities

Uniquely Abled is a membership site for parents and carers who have a child, children or adult with a disability/special needs. We are here to inspire, educate and empower you to make the best choices possible for not only your loved one with special needs but also for yourself.

About the Founder:

I am Linette Hagen and have been a special education teacher for 30 years. I have worked with children as young as 18 months right through to adults 50 years and over.

The one thing I was always passionate about was working with the whole family so that the benefits and learning’s were able to empower and enrich the whole family’s life.

As I said to the parents, grandparents and carers whilst I was teaching “I have your child from 9am to 3pm and you have them all the other times.” By supporting the family (especially the mother who is often the main care giver), and helping to make their lives a bit easier then that to me has great long term benefits.

In my 30 years I have worked with all the main disability areas including Intellectual Impairment and Downs Syndrome, the full range within ASD and Aspergers Syndrome, Physical Impairments such as Cerebral Palsy and Muscular Dystrophy, Vision Impairment and Hearing Impairment.

For the last 4 years I have also been a Life Coach where I support and empower adults to live their best lives and achieve their goals.

With Uniquely Abled these two skill sets are intertwined to support you the parent/carer of a child, children or adult with a disability

Consulting/business services